Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019

No More #8216;Climbing the Corporate Ladder#8217;; It#8217;s Time to #8216;Traverse the Uneven Terrain#8217; of Today#8217;s Economy

No More 8216Climbing the Corporate Ladder8217 It8217s Time to 8216Traverse the Uneven Terrain8217 of Today8217s Economy No More 8216Climbing the Corporate Ladder8217 It8217s Time to 8216Traverse the Uneven Terrain8217 of Today8217s Economy In the first articleof this series, we discussed the need to unlearn the idea that there is something wrong with you if you have short job tenure. We also discussed the need to unlearn the idea that winners dont need to hustle for their next jobs that recruiters will always be calling them, and if they fail to call you, then you are a loser.Today, well discuss another popular career concept that needs to be unlearned the idea of climbing the corporate ladder.Climbing Corporate LaddersOne pervasive component of early-to-mid-twentieth-century thinking about careers was the concept of climbing the corporate ladder of success. This framework used the corporation or institution as the economic foundation ofupward mobility. In this context, success me ant ever-increasing levels of job titles, salaries, and responsibilities within the same organization.This ladder-climbing framework may continue tobe viable for large companies and institutions with sophisticated approaches to management development, but how many of those organizations still exist? What is the probability that you willwork for one of them?Most of the people whose career campaigns we manage will end up working for smaller companies with espoused philosophies that people are our most important product yet ansicht companies will also conduct themselves according to a just in time approach to leadership succession.Rather than paying the cost of in-house leadership development, the company will decide it wants someone who can hit the ground running when an important leadership role opens up. The company will find this person by employing retained search firms to sourcethe most qualified candidates both inside and outside the company.The higher up the organizational lad der an open role is, the higher the bias in favor of hiring outside the company. Given the drive for doing more with less, in-house employees are struggling to simply perform the jobs they were hired to do. They lack the time and the company does not provide them with the resources to demonstrate fitness for higher-level jobs.The Devil You Know Is at a DisadvantageUnder these circumstances, promoting in-house candidates to higher management roles can sometimes be perceived as being as much a leap of faith as hiring an outside person is.Consider the popular term the Peter principle, which refers to the idea that managers rise to the level of their incompetence because people are hired for new roles based on their competence in their current roles not their competence in the new role.Itwould be an error to assume that the best sales professional in the company will be the best sales manager. It would be an error to assume that a baseball teams best pitcher will be the best coach. A s one ascends the corporate ladder, jobs increase in responsibility but they also require different skill sets. Thus, when hiring an internal candidate for a leadership or management position, a company runs the risk of enacting the Peter principle.Another problem for internal candidates is that it is riskier for hiring authorities to promote internal candidates than it is for them to hire external candidates. The popular cliche is that the devil you know is better than the devil you dont know. That cliche breaks down in the hiring process.Finding out the devil you didnt know has problems opens the hiring authority to accusations of making bad decisions under conditions of incomplete information. Finding out the devil you know has problems opens the hiring authority to accusations of making bad decisions under conditions of complete information You knew they came with baggage, and you hired them anyway???From Ladder Climbing to TraversingThe 50 successful people we interviewed for this series of articles did not think in terms of ladders. They thought in terms of traversing.The skiing term traversing means moving in a zigzag pattern along different snow terrain. During an alpine ski run, you may traverse over ice patches, powder snow, or moguls (snow mounds).Moving up a ladder requires steady discipline and persistence in the face of obstacles. Traversing requires discipline combined with maneuverability.Schools are excellent at educating students about discipline and persistence in the face of obstacle. From kindergarten to doctoral programs, one must pass through a hierarchy of required courses to pass on to the next hierarchy of required courses. Running through the educational systems gauntlet is a demonstration of intelligence, discipline, and persistence.All of this means that traditional schools are excellent at teaching students how to climb ladders that will not exist for them once they graduate. The key skill professionals need in todays assignment- based economy is not ladder-climbing, but the agility of traversing.Back to the Case of JackIn the previous article,we discussed the case of JackJack needed to understand and accept that his career may have begun as an employee, but it would most certainly end as a consultant. Jacks career would not be a single career comprising a series of corporate jobs. It would be more like managing two professional lives, one focused on employment assignments and the other focused on project assignments.This is what we call traversing as opposed to managing one single career. This new model involves zigzagging between full-time and project work, moving from W-2 to 1099 and back to W-2.In the next and final article of this series, well explore the three main lessons we learned from our survey of 50 successful professionals traverse with your career edge, master affiliation needs, and traverse between provincial and cosmopolitan knowledge.Maryanne Peabody and Larry Stybel are cofounders ofStybel Peabody, an Arbora Global Company. This article is adaptedfrom their book,Navigating the Waterfall Your Guide to Job Search and Career Management.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Software Developer Resume Tips

Software Developer Resume TipsSoftware Developer Resume TipsThe primary goal of any software developer resume is to show why a candidate is the best person for the job. As with any profession, you might have great skills and credentials, but that doesnt necessarily mean you know how to weave them into a great resume.Resume writing is an art, and a hiring manager is looking for something to catch his eye. By including the right information in the right order, your software developer resume can stand out from the pack. Here are the five components of an effective software developer resume1. Introduction (professional summary) Some people feel that the objective portion of the resume is no longer needed since it often ends up being filled with keyword fluff, but if you decide to include an introduction, keep it short and sweet. This section can be used to clarify who you are as a professional and highlight your best qualifications. It might be relevant to include this type of introducti on if your career is headed in a direction that may not be obvious from the rest of your resume, such as a senior web developer trying to secure a mobile development position. It can also help to summarize a resume that is necessarily long. Whatever you do, avoid clichs and generalities in this section, such as Seasoned software developer and multitasker seeks challenging position in a dynamic, exciting environment.2. Skills Put your technical skills (e.g., languages, APIs, databases, and other tools you feel you have mastered and frequently use) right after your introduction to make it easy for hiring managers to see that you have the technical finesse it takes to do the job. These skills should also act as a list of keywords to help your resume get noticed. Many candidates seem to try to list everything they have ever done or even totally irrelevant things. Doing so clutters the skills area and makes it hard for the reader to see whats most important. Leave off the skills you have nt used in a while or that can be inferred from your resume (like word processing or creating spreadsheets).3. Work history List your work history in chronological order, starting with your current or most recent position. Be sure to include positive and specific examples of how your work solved problems and helped create efficiencies for the employer. Much like your skills listing, try to emphasize the most recent, relevant experience. While the fact that you may have worked with DOS might still have some relevance, its not the most relevant. You should probably emphasize your experience working with cloud computing or big data instead.4. Education Even though many potenzial employers will want to know your level of education, thats not usually what they check first for software developers. Technology-related education becomes less relevant quickly because the industry changes so fast. So, put your education information near the end of the resume. Make sure to include any current c ertifications as well. Leave out anything irrelevant or outdated. List your GPA only if its very high and youre a recent graduate Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from MIT 3.87 GPA (class of 2011), Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD).5. Personal interests Many candidates include a laundry list of personal interests. If you list personal interests, they should be relevant to the job or the kinds of things that employers want to see, like community work or volunteering. Non-relevant personal interests just take up valuable space. Heres an example of the right way to list your interests Learning website design in my spare time, Lego Mindstorms and experimenting with artificial intelligence in LISP. If youre a software development job candidate with extensive skills and work experience, creating a concise, eye-catching resume might be tricky because there are so many interesting points you could include. Read the job description carefully, and target what you put on yo ur resume to the specific developer job youre applying for.Looking for a job? We can helpSEARCH SOFTWARE DEVELOPER JOBSThis post has been updated to reflect more current information.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Best Resume Summary

Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Best Resume Summary The Pain of Best Resume Summary Employers dont wish to waste time reading plenty of meaningless babble. Most employers utilize computer scanners in reviewing resumes so youve got to make sure which youre only writing words that are associated with the job. Make your resume expert summary from the very best few bits. When writing your statement, it is necessary to think about where youre in your professional progression. You must think about writing a bit more different resume within different jobs, a verfaulen resume template will be quite useful in doing this. Knowing the appropriate format is a significant portion of understanding how to compose a finance resume summary statement. Top Best Resume Summary Choices 1 A resume summary is a brief, snappy introduction paragraph that gives you a summary of your very best work. Now imagine whether that SAME resume had had a summary statement on top clearly outlining why youre the ideal candidate. If you dont have a good summary, however, the excess work theyll have to place in to review the resume will diminish your chances. The summary goes at the exact top of the webpage. You might not have LinkedIn testimonials. Youre going to compose a resume summary which gets far more interviews. Think about a resume summary as that very first impression. In the end, dont be shy when it has to do with using contacts. Usually, you need to always concentrate on putting your most powerful information first. In addition, there are a few helpful methods to help you craft a successful resume. Click the next link for more advice on ways to construct a resume using college involvement as experience. The Definitive Strategy for Best Resume Summary Writing a resume for employment in the species industry can be difficult. Youre going to observe an excellent expert warehouse resume example. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require ave rystrong resume. Distinct kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a number of the exact skills. Managers and executives should concentrate on business skills in addition to technical expertise even should they fall into a technical industry. In addition, you can learn more on the topic of administrative careers on Monster. When you consider it, businesses wish to put money into employees who care. The 30-Second Trick for Best Resume Summary Please get in touch with us if you would like us to add sample resumes for any particular category or whether you want to submit an example for certain category. Watch the subsequent video to learn to compose the ideal recent-graduate resume for an entry-level position. Now, the above mentioned examples are obviously of the more prevalent variety in regards to how folks pursue careers in their chosen fields. Click these images to see the resume sample. Occasionally it can be more difficult to see your own biggest a chievements, and that means you can proceed and ask your family and friends too. Youve got to clearly state what your experience is centered on. In spite of no experience, you still ought to show experience. You dont require experience to get achievements. The Advantages of Best Resume Summary If youre asking for a management position, your resume needs to showcase your management-related abilities and experience. Your aim is to find the job. If you continue seeing a skill or tool mentioned you dont know a lot about, start looking for free or low-cost on-line courses on the topic to bolster your skill collection. With your understanding of your intended business, its time to work out how you fit in (or wish to). Best Resume Summary Its your very first impression long before you receive an opportunity to pick out your very best outfit. Writing a strong and compelling resume summary can dramatically increase your odds of being called in for in interview, so its vitally im portant you know how to make yours stand out from the crowd. There is nobody way thats best. Praised and awarded for organizational abilities and capacity to create safe, fun, and engaging atmosphere for kids.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

6 Strategies to Future-Proof Your Resume For 2019 and Beyond

6 Strategies to Future-Proof Your Resume For 2019 and Beyond 6 Strategies to Future-Proof Your Resume For 2019 and BeyondPosted November 22, 2018, by JennyIts not just you who is noticing that the world moves faster and faster each year. The speed of change in todays geschftsleben world is unrivalled, though they shouldnt be too concerning if you keep your resume future-proofed. Without the correct preemptive action and additions to your resume, you could really be left behind in your career.The business and technology industries are changing the way we work, talk to our colleagues and the way we do business with clients in international markets. These changes are so large that industry heads and unions have pointed out that without continuous additions to resumes and skillsets, thousands could be jobless in fields they once excelled in. With all of that said, weve listed six great strategies and tips to future-proof your resume for 2019 and the years to come. Take a look below.Updat e Every Skill You HaveThis might not come as a surprise, though continuous enhancement of existing skills is essential for future-proofing your resume. Employers have now begun looking beyond bachelors degrees gained a few years prior to your application, as theyll now be perceived as out of date. Its unfortunate, but the rapid development of industries has rendered older degrees almost entirely irrelevant unless theyre paired with an updated short or developmental course.A few great platforms you can take advantage of to develop your skillset and future-proof your resume includeonline training organisations likeUpskilledor sites likeShortCourseFinderas theygive you access to hundreds of courses that are relevant, up to date and are sure to impress potential employers.If youre interested in sticking to one industry, then it would be best to keep well up to date with all of the latest skills and requirements. You should check with role descriptions and outlines to make sure the skill s youre investing in are relevant to your future career. Take Advantage of OpportunitiesIts always best to have an open mind, especially when business is concerned. If youre offered a job or see an opportunity to do some volunteer work, then certainly consider doing so as these openings will give you additional skills and make you a mora attractive employee. For younger, soon-to-be employees, it can be beneficial to take advantage of online tutoring services, like Cluey Learning. This will show future employees you are serious about learning and developing your skills. Online learning programs give you access to course materials and tutors who can assist, so no matter what skills youre looking to build, youll have plenty of help.Better Understand TechnologyAn understanding of technology is now a requirement for almost every role youll be stepping into. A few years ago the saying every business works in technology, was just an exaggeration. Today, not so much. Every employee, regardl ess of their experience or age, is expected to know the ins and outs of software, cross-device collaboration and even some minor understanding of AI and internet of things devices.Spend some time on your breaks or after work to brush up on your knowledge around all things techy, and by adding these to your resume youll become a highly desirable employee for many businesses. Note Be sure not to bluff here and actually put in the effort to learn the technology, because the truth will prevail and theres nothing more awkward than pretending to know your way around a piece of software and failing miserably in your first week.Learn to Adapt to ChangeGone are the days of learning a skill once. Today, fundamental processes are even up for major change and that means, as an employee, you must be able to show that youre adaptable. Recent studies have shown that employees are finding it more and more difficult to stay in their jobs as their industries change, and employers dont want to lose yo u in the coming months because your skillset is out of date. A great way to future-proof your resume for an adaptable world is showing that youre able to thrive in different workplaces. You can do this by learning fundamentals in more than one industry. Take science and business for example. You could have a business degree, though taking on a STEM degree or short course is going to make you a far more desirable employee for businesses of the future. If youre considering adding multiple different skillsets to your resume it would be wise to consult or work with an online tutor to assist you in understanding certain tasks you might not be familiar with. If youre a business major, then science or engineering might not come as naturally to you. Enhance Communication SkillsAlthough artificial intelligence and other technologies threaten to take over, there is one thing theyre not able to grasp just yet human emotion. To succeed in this area, you need to be a great communicator. Working well as a kollektiv leader, or in a team is essential and will ultimately determine whether youre suitable for a role or not.These skills can be learned in a theoretical sense, though they can also be learned by taking advantage of opportunities like volunteering. Showcase your ability to work as a team on your resume and employers will be more enticed to add an educated, versatile new team member. Showcase Yourself OnlineLastly, use the Internet to your advantage. When you apply for a job or want to be promoted, youll want a Google search of your name to show off some impressive results. Create online portfolios, link back to yourself and connect as many of your professional social media accounts (things like Google+ and LinkedIn) to your resume as possible. This way when an employer searches your name, theyll find all of your work immediately and understand why youre a great fit for a role. Future-proofing your resume is an important part of your professional development. In toda ys fast-paced business world employees have to remain agile and motivated. Improving current skills and taking opportunities to learn new ones will help you remain a sought-after employee into 2019 and beyond.This article was produced for Career FAQs by Upskilled. Check out more from Upskilled and their range of online courses, here. 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